Plastic Surgery delayed??
After spending the last week in the hospital due to complications from gall bladder surgery I've decided to postpone my surgery and maybe forget it all together. In the 1 1/4 year I have had two surgeries and lost my husband. My kids have been though enough and I can't ask them to go through another surgery that isn't necessary. I think I'm just going to look at my body with pride of what I have accomplished and be grateful that I'm still here to enjoy it!
I'm sorry to hear what all you have been thru, you are in my prayers. You still have time for the surgery if it's for a tummy tuck. You're weight will stabilize over the next year. I had mine done just 15 months after having the gastric, and the Dr.'s worned me that it may get flabby if my weight wasn't stable. Just enjoy your body for now, but if it becomes a problem, it's a really simple procedure. Maybe in a year or two you may decide to have it done. I'll keep you and your family in my prayers.
Baboo, I'm sorry to hear of the difficulties you've been through these past year and a half... yes you sure have had a hard way to go... You have to do what is right for you, and what you feel in your heart is best. You know, everyone in your life loves YOU for YOU, not what your body looks like. AND, we're our own worst critics. We know what's underneath our clothes and we are terribly hard on ourselves... when others don't give a thought to what we look like. Hang in there!